没有,但是有表演艺术学院。 专业设置如下: 电影、电视和数字媒体艺术系(Film, Television and Digital Media) 戏剧和舞蹈系(Theatre and Dance) 人文学科系(Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences)
音乐系(Music) 摄影系(Photography) 双学位项目(Dual Degree Programs)提供与Tisch电影学院、Steinhardt教育学院以及College of Global Public Health合作完成两个学士学位的机会。
1. Tisch Center for the Theatre and Performing Arts
2. Zankel Music Performance Center
3. The Arthur Laffer Lecture Hall
4. Studio 520 Film & Media Production Facility
5. Morningside Heights Complex (MHC)
6. College of Performing Arts in Greenwich Village (CPA-GV)
7. Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics (MCSM)
8. Center for Language Studies (CLS)
9. Center for University Teaching and Learning (CUTL)
10. New York University School of Continuing Education (SCE)