谢邀 @Zhu Yifan 同学邀请,我刚好最近在写相关的内容,所以不请自来。
关于题主的问题主要涉及两个概念——学生签证(Student Visa)和入境签证(Entry VISA). 在新西兰申请入境签证的官方名称叫“移民签证”或“永久居留签证”(Immigration Visa), 而在中国大陆申请的话一般称作"中国入境签证"(Chinese Entry Visa or CV)。由于这个帖子主要是讲如何办理学生签证的流程,而这两个东西其实只是流程里面的一部分,而且很多时候大家搞混了它们之间的区别,导致出现了一些误解,所以我在这里就解释说明一下它们的关系并稍微介绍一下各自的区别吧。
首先我们来了解一下什么是“学生签证”。按照移民局的规定,任何要来新西兰学习超过24周的学生都必须申请学生签证 (Student Visa), 同时持有有效的学生签证才能在新西兰合法求学。
根据移民局网站上的信息,申请者必须符合下列条件才可获批学生签证: · 申请人的身体状况良好; · 申请人无犯罪记录记录; · 申请人有足够的资金支持自己及家庭的留学生活,不需要依赖政府津贴或是其他资助; · 申请人已接受所申请学校提供的录取通知,且学校也确认过该学生的学习资格; · 申请人有足够时间完成学业。 上面列举了几点基本的申请条件之外也有一些附加条件,比如: 1、如果申请人在过去三年内因同一入学原因曾拒签过一次或以上,那么此次申请被拒的可能性会相应增加。
2、对于来自某些国家/地区的申请人会有更严格的要求,包括需要提供英文成绩或更高的资金证明等。 这些细节可以参看官网介绍:
接下来我们来说明为什么申请学生签证并不是直接去移民局拿一个Entry visa, 因为这两者是不同种类的签证,其功能和作用也不尽相同。
我们先来看一下Entry visa的作用: “The Immigration Adviser Service has been asked to advise on a person who is seeking an ‘Australian’ non-immigrant entry visa'. This refers to people traveling from outside New Zealand who require one of the following: A tourist visa, Work and holiday or working visas for Australia. The purpose of this document is to explain how these visas operate under legislation currently in place before they are changed by any future immigration legislation passed in Parliament. In brief, if you come into NZ from overseas without a valid immigration status, unless there is a specific reason why your arrival should not be regarded as unlawful it will be lawful and therefore acceptable for you to remain here until such time that your stay becomes unlawful. Your stay remains lawful so long as you either possess a valid Visitor visa OR hold a temporary permit which has allowed you sufficient lawful leave to enter, remain or depart in accordance with the law at that time, eg a ‘waiver’ of overstay liability. There may also be some other grounds upon which departure would become unlawful depending upon the circumstances surrounding your visit and whether or not you have complied with your conditions of entry.
从这一段描述中我们可以知道,Entry visa是一个非移民类的签证,它只是让申请者能以合法的途径进入澳大利亚或者是新西兰, 但是并不保证申请者可以在澳洲或者新西兰停留多长时间,而是要看以后