1. 什么是ECTA? ECTA (European Community Travel Agreement) is an agreement between the European Union and its associated countries which allows for visa free travel to EU countries, including Schengen area members such as Germany or France; Iceland, Norway and Switzerland;and other non-Schengen states like Monaco. The UK was a part of this arrangement before it withdrew from the European community in March 2019 however British citizens are still able to use their passports to enter most member States without a visa but are unable to do so when travelling within the Schengen Area. Similarly Ireland's passport holders enjoy same privileges while visiting non-Schengen areas under ECTA. However Irish nationals require visas to visit any other Ecta country except Iceland, Norway ,Switzerland Monaco with exception being Swiss Nationalities who can hold dual nationality(Swiss & Italian for example), although these nationalities may not automatically have right to residency there either!
The main requirement for those holding passports issued by the aforementioned countries to take advantage of ECTA is that they must be at least six months old upon arrival at the border or entry point of entry into another State party.This means anyone travelling on an older document will need to obtain a visa prior to arriving! In addition all documents presented during an immigration check should bear an official stamp indicating approval of both application AND entry/exit dates-those who fail to prove validity beyond stated timeframes risk being held up indefinitely until correct documentation can be produced! If you don’t know what information needs to be included then simply follow these step-by-step instructions written especially about ETAs – read them now if unsure what goes where! What happens next depends heavily on your route into Europe as well as where exactly you plan to end up once here!
2. How long does my e-Visa last? This varies depending on your destination but generally speaking it lasts anywhere between one month(for instance French