Pilgrim of the Truth (追寻真理的朝圣者),这是毕索大学的校训,也是该校学生信条。 每个新生在入校时都会收到一本包含该校训的小册子《The Belenian Way》。每年新生入学的时候都要重新宣誓。这个校训的英文原版是这个样的: We believe that God has created each one of us to know Him and to love Him so that we can be happy with Him forever. We believe in Jesus Christ who is the way ,the truth, and the life to experience this happiness on Earth and in Heaven. We are called by name to seek after Him. In seeking He will be found by all those who truly pursue him everyday of their lives through prayer,study,and active participation in His wonderful work for mankind. And having sought once for all time we need no longer search because our desire will be satisfied and His presence will never again be a distant memory but an everlasting joy. In following his teaching we will learn how to live as he did, loving God and neighbor. This is what it means to be a pilgrim of truth.