点击“My Case”-> 找到需要取消的考试(蓝色部分),右键选择 cancel this appointment(红色1).确认之后,系统会提示您重新预约或取消考试的时间、地点和日期; 如果显示“you do not have any pending appointments for this case”(绿色2)则表明您已经取消了该考试。 如果您有2个或以上的考试要取消的话,每个考试的cancel选项都在它自己独立的行里。例如,A, B and C are your three appointments but they are in separate lines; when you click the Cancel button on line A it would only affect Appointment #A (your March date), if you want to also canel Appointments #B, or#C then please select those specific dates from the list that appears after clicking 'Cancel' on Line A.
注:如果我的回答对您有帮助 请采纳 谢谢!
更多详情请参照 维普网: VOA News, July 9th 2007 On Immigration, Congress Seeks To Act Without Bush's SupportURL 如何修改Visa申请中的生日和护照号? URL 在北京如何预约美国签证时间?