先答是不是,再答为什么。 爱达荷是一个州(省)的名字。全名是爱达荷州(Idaho, the State of),简称“爱达荷”或“艾德豪”(ID)。 至于为什么爱达荷是一个州的名称而不是一个城市的名字,原因就是爱达荷州不是一个城市…它只是一个州(省)而已……
爱达荷在英汉词典中的解释是这样的: Idaho, also called the Gem State, is named for the Idaho River. Originally home to native Americans, the area became part of Spanish New Mexico in 1540 and was included in the Louisiana Purchase by France in 1803. It was annexed by the United States as part of the Oregon Territory in 1846 but wasn't officially organized until 1863. Cue the gold rush! In 1860 gold was discovered at Salmon Falls near what is now North Idaho's Coeur d'Alene lake, prompting a massive influx of settlers into the region; by 1864 there were more than 20, 000 people living there. The region's economy has long been based on agriculture and natural resources such as timber、 copper、 and fish. The state capital, Boise, is located in southwest Idaho along the Snake River in an area originally settled by pioneers from Tennessee and Kentucky in the mid-nineteenth century. Other cities include Nampa、 Pocatello、 and Idaho Falls。 翻译一下上面那一段: 爱达荷州,也称为宝石之州,是以爱达荷河命名的。最初是美国印第安人的家园,在1540年成为西班牙新墨西哥的一部分,并在1803年被法国路易斯安纳购买。作为俄勒冈领土的一部分并入美国是在1846年,但直到1863才正式组建。 快进到现在,看看这个州的名字怎么来的: 翻译一下这一段: 州名的来历有多种版本——有人说因为爱达荷河两岸开满玫瑰(rose)故以此命名;还有人说由于印第安人把当地称作Yakima, 而英语中yak与rose发音相近,于是以yak代rose成了现在这个州的名称。然而这些说法都很不可靠。最靠谱的说法要属乔治·库克将军(General George Cook)的解释了,他说,当我们在寻找建造要塞的地点时,我们发现了一座小山,山顶上盛开一朵红色的玫瑰,而山下则遍布着银矿和金矿(red rose and silver and gold mines),因此我们决定在这里建造要塞,并将这个地方命名为爱达荷,以纪念这位红颜(the red rose of war)。