

这个真得提前多久,因为要准备的内容太多太杂了…… 比如part1的问题可能涉及广泛,需要提前准备一些答案框架;而Part2的卡片主题更是需要我们花时间去思考以及组织语言。当然还有最重要的小作文和大作文。

小作文的格式和词汇类型是必须提前准备的;大作文则可以看看题库,备齐几个素材即可。 最后就是口语考试的当天,注意时间把握,以及在考试过程中与考官的良好沟通。

其实雅思口语备考的关键词就是“积累”!除了对语法结构的积累,更需要注重高频词汇的积累。 所以平时大家要多留意身边的事物,多思考,这样在备考的时候就不必再花费时间思索如何构思答案了。

例如,在路上看到一辆奇怪的车,你完全可以这么准备——“What's that car over there?It looks so funny. Well, I wonder if it runs very fast...No,I think the driver is having a good time now. And suddenly I realized something was wrong with my phone...Hmm...It needs charging. So why don’t you take this weird car for a spin and see how fast it goes?” 又比如在食堂打完饭之后,可以这么准备——“Well, It’s been quite some time since I cooked. Hahaha… You know what? Today I think I will make an apple pie. Now where did I put the apples? Oh here they are in the fridge. I need to wash them first. Hey,you know what else we need? Some milk. Let me go and get it from the dairy room……”

