

IC的MSc是1年制的,但如果你是本科毕业,且本科数学统计背景,可以申到IC的MFE(financial engineering)项目。这个项目是和哥大一起开的,授课老师都是两所学校的顶尖教授,课程内容和课程设置跟CS和EE专业差不多。由于是1年制,课程负担很重,每天都有好几门课要选,周末也要上课,压力很大。由于是跟美国的教授和小伙伴一起上,英文交流是没有问题的。 如果你本身基础较好,又想体验一下英国大学的教学风格,那IC是一个不错的选择~

另外再推荐LSE(London School of Economics). LSE的MA is also 1 year and you can choose between general or specialisation in economics. The teaching style at LSE is very different from IC - it's more like a university degree where the emphasis is on understanding the theories behind every question rather than on acquiring 'soft skills' (business case studies etc.). You will be expected to write rigorous formal economic models for each topic that you discuss which will take up most of your time. Again, if English not your first language then you need to do a pre-master to prepare yourselves academically with the same rigor as the MSc/MA courses. There are lots of great professors there who teach a variety of topics so you definitely want to look into their syllabus before choosing it.
