

AP,全称Availability Policy,是美国大使馆对不同申请人的不同签证审理政策; 1.“标准政策”- Standard policy是使馆对所有签证申请者所采取的态度和立场;

2.“优先处理”Policy- Expedite is an availability process for cases where the standard processing times do not apply because of the nature and importance of the case, or if you fall within one of our priority groups identified by the Department of State (DOS). Priority processing can take up to three weeks instead of four weeks. The visa applicant must be able to provide evidence that they meet each of these conditions in order to receive expedited service. If the DOS considers it necessary, the consular officer may also request additional information from concerned departments, bureaus, services, agencies或commissions of the United States Government. These requests are non-appealable and cannot be negotiated with consular officials. Additional delays caused by such inquiries into other government offices will not be attributed to Embassy, Consulate General or Consular Section officials. You should expect additional delay beyond any time stated above if: A. More than 90 days have passed since your previous U.S. visa interview at a U.S. Consulate or Embassy, unless an exception applies(please see below) B. Your passport has expired C. There was irregularity related to false statements on your application form 你如果申请的是加急签证服务,那么你的护照会被使馆留到三个月后,在收到你补充资料后的三周之内寄回给你。所以如果是加急的申请人一定要注意你的申请材料是否完整,否则不但不能加快办证的速度反而会导致护照被扣留更长的时间! 在北京、广州、上海领区的部分城市,使领馆已经开通了加急预约的服务,需要提前一周左右进行预约。 如果您不幸遇到了领事官员休假的情况,您的签证受理时间就会相应的延长。 领事馆官员每两年都会进行一次休假,每次大约一个月。这种休假一般是连着的,比如今年的5月份和6月份所有领事馆的工作人员都休假了(包括翻译人员以及行政人员),7月中旬才上班。不过这种情况一般是在旅游旺季发生,而每年的签证申请数量有是有一定比例的限制,因此出现这种情况的概率是比较小的。


没记错的话就是护照+DS160表,没有身份证之类的材料吧 我是F2的,所以我的情况是 DS160 填完以后会生成一个PDF,需要打印出来签字 在准备资料的时候最好能准备好一些证明你是在读/毕业的学校、院系和专业的文件(如学生证、在读或毕业的offer)复印件,因为有些学校是会要看的 我当时在面签时还带了毕业证原件+学位证原件+成绩单翻译件+毕业证翻译件,结果还是看了一下我大学录取通知书…… 不过这些不是必要项~如果学校不给这些东西也没关系,只要有你的学生ID和学号就行哦! 最后祝你好运啦~
